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Passing up perfection…

November 4, 2014


“If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.”

Leo Tolstoy, Ann Karenina

I’m on a continued journey to discover who I am, what I’m about and how I ‘tick’; aren’t we all? I love doing personality tests; I often don’t agree with them but when I do, boy do they get me!

Apparently I’m a perfectionist – not one of those that obsessively cleans their home (I wish) or irons tea-towels, no; I’m the kind of perfectionist who won’t attempt a task unless I can put 100% into it and do it ‘properly’. Take my dirty kitchen floor for instance, I walk across it a million times a day and tell myself it needs cleaning…and when that ‘perfect moment’ occurs (kids in bed, drank my tea, house is quiet – you know!) it takes me 5 minutes to complete the task, which I could have done at ANY time of the day!

I’m the same about most things. I’m done with it. But I’m not done; I’m a perfect work of grace in progress and I’m glad that God doesn’t look for that ‘perfect moment’ (when I am ‘perfect’) to work on me, as He really wouldn’t find it.

“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.”
Brene Brown

Perfection is His peace, alive in me, guarding my heart and mind. Perfection is His grace washing over me, everyday. Perfection is knowing His gifts in my life are the everyday blessings of husband, home, children, food on my table and life in my bones.

Perfection is reading back on this blog and seeing God’s amazing grace and love in my life.

There’s never a perfect moment in a busy mothers life to sit, and write words that feed souls; especially mine

So, I’m going to try and find awkward, busy, loud, full, peaceful, real, quiet and wrong moments – not ‘perfect’ moments to write on this blog.

Here I am

That’s all I’ve got!

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”

2 Corinthians 5:21

See you soon…


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  1. leahboden permalink*
    November 6, 2014 8:08 am

    Reblogged this on Leah's Place.

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