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Education of the heart

November 8, 2012

A glimpse of a small corner in our favourite second-hand book shop (shhh, take a peek here)

We hold that all education is divine, that every good gift of knowledge and insight comes from above, that the Lord the Holy Spirit is the supreme educator of mankind, and that the culmination of all education (which may, at the same time, be reached by a little child) is that personal knowledge of and intimacy with God.

— Charlotte Mason

We home educating mothers can so easily get caught up in the cyber chatter, the curriculum clearing and the creativity conceiving as we out work this day-to-day life of ‘schooling’ our children.

We read, we listen, we search, we print, we check, we admire, we share, we read again, we help, we hear, we instruct…

But do we really live; lead by The divine educator?

Our first and foremost responsibility to our children is to point them to Jesus; are we raising our little ones to follow rules, obey at all costs and do as I say? Or are we laying down foundations for life; forming an internal stream of consciousness that flows from wisdom and understanding; a gift from our heavenly Father?

We pray that our children would make wise choices and Godly decisions; our responsibility then as parents is to teach them diligently the Word of God; not just to hear and obey but to love and live all that its pages contain.

Without the Holy Spirit the Words of Genesis through to Revelation could be conceived as another great living book; but we must impress on our children that it is God breathed, inspired and alive for us today.

We must pray before we open the pages of the Bible for the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that we might know Him better. (Eph 1:17)

Just as the pilgrim Christian was inspired on his journey, strengthened in persecution, saved from death and resisted temptation, because of what he’d read in The Book and his love for The King; let’s pray that our Children’s hearts are caught with a love for King Jesus and a passion to follow His words.

Soul time for Mum; cultivating my heart so I can cultivate their’s

Our children may be fluent in latin, have knowledge of every type of fungi in northern Europe, can recite 20 Blake poems and sing like a lark but is their heart turned towards Jesus; the creator of all living things; the One Miss Mason pleads us to admire the handy work of on a daily basis? This is not book knowledge; this is heart turning and life transforming (which may, at the same time, be reached by a little child).

Lets ensure that our precious children know that this is a priority in our lives as well as for them; that before the sketching, the narrating, the writing and forming the habit of not fighting; before the conceding and reading and heeding of their mothers voice, there’s His voice, Jesus – the giver of life and the lover of our soul.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give
you everything you need. Matthew 6:33


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  1. Lena permalink
    November 14, 2012 7:46 pm

    Hi, Just wanted to say thank you for sharing 🙂 I’m really enjoying your blog.

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