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Five Minute Friday: Quiet

November 9, 2012


So it turns out I’m an introvert!

Myers Briggs told me so; I mean I’m not extreme – we wouldn’t want that would we? I’m a ‘moderate’ introvert but I think I already knew, just never would have used that term.

I knew when my beautiful outgoing Norwegian friend was sat next to me in my car last week and she told me she was an introvert. WHAT? I exclaimed, YOU? Then I knew, I was too.

I like the quiet. I like to recharge in my own company, in solitude, in a restful environment.

My idea of a perfect night in is to curl up with a great book or sit here tapping out words formed from my quiet place.

Susanna Wesley, mother of 19 liked the quiet – she would pull her apron over her head and pray. Her children knew when mother was covered with her apron they were not to disturbed her!

So don’t worry if I’m silent for a while or you find me amidst a beautiful cacophony of 4 children with an apron over my head! I’m just recharging – making sure I’m the best me I can be!

Five Minute Friday

8 Comments leave one →
  1. November 9, 2012 8:29 am

    Ha! I read that about Susanna Wesley awhile ago and I laughed out loud because sometimes I hide under my blanket for a moment of solitude. My kids always find me anyways. Maybe I need to try an apron… I am an introvert, yet not so moderate. But most people think I’m an extrovert when they meet me because I don’t tend to come off that way. When I realized how much of an introvert I was, it gave me tremendous insight into my need to duck out and recover and recharge. It’s good stuff to know. So yeah, maybe I need to dig out my old apron.

  2. November 9, 2012 8:38 am

    Hi. I find the story of Susanna Wesley interesting. The busier we are, the more quiet time we need.

  3. November 9, 2012 8:53 am

    Another fellow introvert here:) I think I need to invest in an apron. Susanna Wesley obviously knew what she was doing;)

  4. leahboden permalink*
    November 9, 2012 9:11 am

    Thank you friends! I realise now that I had a wrong understanding of ‘introvert’, as a recovering shy person who has worked hard to be ‘visible’ for God in my calling and not hide, I now embrace this new understanding of my God given personality and will enjoy the ‘quiet’…when I can get it!

  5. November 9, 2012 9:59 am

    I think I must be another introvert, I also love my quiet spaces, my long walks, my peace. I am definitely going to go and read up about Susanna Wesley.

  6. November 9, 2012 11:22 pm

    Totally a fellow introvert here…thank you for sharing. You have reminded me why I’m so exhausted this week – more so then the rest of my family. I took the same Myer Briggs test and I have to admit to smiling at the thought of not knowing if I was an introvert or not. I am an extreme introvert, so I am constantly in the battle of wondering if I just need to get a grip – or is this legit exhaustion? Book & Quiet = comforting bliss. The quiet can have pretty music & my kids, as long as they don’t talk to me. 🙂 (visiting from 5minFri)

  7. November 29, 2012 10:50 am

    I’m an introvert too! But I like what a friend of mine says: “Shyness is not a gift or fruit of the Holy Spirit” So we can be introverted in terms of the preference of our personality and how we process stuff, but God calls us to be a bold witness of His love and grace.

  8. February 23, 2013 12:21 pm

    Hope you and your family are well. I miss yor blog posts.

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